England eliminated Sweden and reached the semifinals after 28 years of waiting


England beat Sweden by 2-0 and dreamed of 1966, the World Cup where he was crowned champion in his own home. The "Three Lions" team was far superior to a diminished Nordic cast and was among the top four in Russia 2018, an instance that had not been for 28 years.

The duel began pbadively for both teams, with no more dangerous arrivals in the omen of a boring game. But the excitement comes from the head of Harry Maguire, who after a center from Ashley Young of the left opened the scoring in 30 minutes of play in favor of the British cast.

The advantage gave Harry Kane and his company confidence in the image, and even a reserve player, Raheem Sterling, missed a goal almost alone before the end of the first period. That's how the second goal came in 58 minutes, with a good combination between Kieran Trippier and Jesse Lingard to qualify for Dele There, who introduced the second in-arch guardian Robin Olsen.

The cast directed by Janne Andersson never found answers to reverse the marker, and the only chance of a discount was on the feet of a newcomer John Guidetti, who came across an epic Jordan Pickford who deflected the ball with his fingertips and continues to achieve a dream World Cup.

On the other hand, the box coached by Gareth Southgate was closer to the third than receiving a discount, and without trying too hard managed to get the result and qualify for a semifinal after 28 years , when they were eliminated in the semifinals. 1990 by Germany.

Now the British country is excited to repeat the feat of 1996, and hopes to compete between Croatia and Russia to challenge a function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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