Enzo Roco arrives in Turkey to close the transfer to Gary Besiktas


The defender of the Chilean national team, Enzo Roco would be close to joining the ranks of Besiktas of Turkey to be his teammate of Gary Medel According to Turkish media reports that the defender will arrive four years after the Cruz Azul of Mexico

The press ensures that the team of "Black Eagles" will pay about 1.5 million dollars to Aztec club to stay with the 25-year-old player's signature.

In case of signature of the signature, Besiktas would be the third team that Roco defends in Europe, having dressed the colors of Elche and Espanyol both teams Spain

According to users of social networks, the defender has already arrived in Turkey to close his arrival to the team of Istanbul Senol Gunes where he will go to be a partner of " Pitbull "Medel.

Enzo Roco Beşiktaş ımıza Hoşgeldin …
Yenge sanki biraz mutsuz gibi pic.twitter.com/7DLqJmwdbI

– 1903 GÜNDEM

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