Esteban Paredes took cheap after his insults at Piero Maza and received a single date of suspension


Expectations were at the ANFP after the usual Tuesday session of the Court of Penalties. One of Colo Colo's emblems, Esteban Paredes, was finally suspended for a single date. He will therefore miss the next duel against Huachipato and could be part of the game on the last day, before the University of Captain de los Albos was expelled last Sunday at the 55 minute of the second half against Palestino, after claiming and insulting Judge Piero Maza for an arbitration decision. "What … you accused …" was the sentence that determined his premature departure from the match against the Arabs, conditioning the already discontented collective operation of the students of Hector Tapia .

Following the record released yesterday by the referee, it was speculated that the penalty could be heavier, which would have decreed the end of the season for the attacker. However, it seems that the autonomous court took pity and it is only on the 24th of this month that the duel at the CAP stadium will be lost.

A party that promises, since Huachipato and Cacique, are direct rivals to qualify for the Copa Sudamericana next year.

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