Eva Gómez answers to Rafael Araneda after …


The ex-host of the Viña Festival was one of the guests of TVN's "llegago tu hora" program.

Eva Gómez was back on television Wednesday night in TVN star interview, His time came .

The communicator who has not been a member of Chilevisión since He arrived at a new TV station and talked about the controversial lyrics revealed by the singer Américo in his biography.

As it appears in the book "I Am Américo" written by Mauricio Jürgensen the night when Americo was in Viña and the animation corresponded to Rafael Araneda and Eva Gómez , the presenter would have told the singer that he would help calm the audience since his partner had no experience in these things.

Eva Gómez delivered his version of the story, without first noticing that it is a controversy between Rafa and Américo and where she is the guest Stone.

However, she revealed that "Americo m said that That same night he wanted to tell me what had happened, and it was almost transparent with the same words " that appear in the book narrated by the former festival host.

But Eva also says that Rafa said that it never happened. I do not have a bionic ear, that is the word of Americo against that of Rafa, and I have to believe in person "did he he says

Finally and after pointing out that he never had any specific problem with Rafael Araneda, I specify that in the event that these words were faithful to Americo, that means that "gives me a black penalty, I feel unconscious …"

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