Eva Gómez clarifies the controversy between Rafael Araneda and Américo at Viña Festival 2011


Questions and other questions. Eva Gómez is subjected to the intense questionnaire of "Llegó tu hora", the TVN program that exposes each week a star guest to the questions of a team of panelists determined to discover their secrets.

On this occasion, the former conductor of the disappeared "Diario de Eva" spoke about his origins on television, even a heated controversy that involved Rafael Araneda and the singer Américo at the Viña Festival of 2011.

"The first thing I want to say is that almost I am the guest of stone.It is a controversy between Américo and Rafa," he said as soon as the subject surfaced. It would be a confession that the musician made in the biographical book of journalist Mauricio Jürgensen entitled "I am Américo", where Gómez would have asked him to calm the audience because he "had no experience". It was the first time that he was running the contest.

"Americo told me that night, he wanted to tell me what happened, and that made it transparent (with me) almost with the same words," said the actress of Spanish origin. "When he broke that, Rafa said that it had never happened.I do not have a bionic ear, that 's the word of the day. Americo versus Rafa's, and I do not believe in anyone. "

Then, Gomez again insisted that she was not at that time. that something was said or did not participate: "I was not there, what I can tell you is that it is a situation in which I come back, for something that has nothing to do with my fault, in a situation "

" We've never had any problems (in between), and I promise: I've never had had one word higher than another with him, we had 15 billion problems, it was the first year for Chilevisión (in Viña del Mar) For me, the hardest was to prove that I could to do, because no one gave me weight. "

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