Eva Gómez revealed what Americo said after his fight against Rafael Araneda in Viña 2011


One of the most memorable moments of the presentation of Americo at the 2011 Festival was after he finished singing, when the artist began a controversy with Rafael Araneda.

With the release of the singer's biography, controversy returned to the arena after it was revealed that the animator had asked him for help for to calm the night since his partner had no "experience in these things"

Araneda was referring to Eva Gómez, who spoke on Wednesday night about it in Llegó Tu Hora of TVN [19659004] "The first thing I want to say is that I'm almost invited to stone.It's a controversy between Américo and Rafa," he began by baduring and then revealing that "Americo told me that night.He wanted to tell me what had happened, and it was almost transparent with the same words."

Also he badured that the facilitator spoke to him after the release of the Americo version, noting that "Rafa said it never happened. I n & # I do not have a bionic ear, that is the word of Americo against that of Rafa, and I have no faith in myself. "

" I was not there. What I can tell you is that it's a situation in which I appear, again, for something that has nothing to do with my fault , in a two-way situation. "

working relationship with Araneda, the Spaniards said that had never had any problems between them, but that there were problems because it was the first year of CHV with the Festival. "For me, nobody gave weight", he adds

Finally, he confesses that if the words of 39; Araneda were real "I feel a black pity, I do not feel … the experience makes me noisy.This was the first for everyone for the production, l & 39; badembly, audio, for everyone, so this word is noisy, it does not bother me, but it makes a lot of noise, if it was true it was a ninguneo. "

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