Facebook Viral: "Android number 17" Dragon Ball Super makes a serious complaint | FB | Face | Viral Genaro Vasquez | DBS | Tendencies


Facebook and other social networks exist to make communication more and more agile and the distance between people is reduced as much as possible. However, the wrong uses are the ones that adapt more quickly, such as attacking the other users of an anonymous account, as the actor suffered Genaro Vasquez the same which gives the voice at number 17 of Dragon Ball Super.

"I've noticed that they're offending too much with the publication I've done." And that's not about it. I did touch someone, I'm sorry, but I can not stand or tolerate seeing the aggression, which is why I deleted this publication from this page. One of them is interested in going to the source, but enough aggression, "he wrote in his account of Facebook .

It is worth mentioning that by means of Facebook stories can quickly become viral on the Internet, because Many users were surprised to read the statement of Genaro Vásquez asking that his attacks be stopped , after he commented on Miss Spain, Ángela Ponce .

The actor published a few days ago in his account of Twitter : "In Miss Spain when you praise her? The day of the man or the day of the woman ? … I am confused, "however, it was a simple joke, but that was not taken for such, by some users who criticized him for talking to such a person shemale .

See his post on this link

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