"Fallout 76" | Metro Chile


  • Comments on videos and technology of Temuco, player and videoblogger on vardoc.cl, twitter.com/vardoc1 and facebook.com/vardoc1[19659002hnEnfinlejeuderoleBethesda"Fallout76"establishedforconsolesPlaystation4XboxOneyPCSuitedujeusetechronologicallybeforethefirst"Fallout"andquickhasnotappearedtorequestthepeople'sattainthings19659002]The reason? We tell you here.

    First of all, we must understand that "Fallout 76" is only 20 years after the Great War and the launch of the atomic bombs that transformed the Earth into the famous Wasteland.

    A Unlike "Fallout 3", survivors will have the task of recovering the Earth, but their plans will not materialize when they encounter ghouls, super mutants, and leave no trace of their life. ;human.

    This new opus offers us to play. in the first or third person, their fights focus in real time on the collection of items and the use of weapons of all kinds, as well as in close combat. It also includes RPG aspects and surviving elements.

    It is in this last point that "Fallout 76" meets the expectations, because becoming a simple field of the game now becomes something vital. We have the obligation to monitor and maintain optimal health, something complicated to think about the universe to which we belong, where to spend the first hours is vital and that is complicated by having to cook, to have water, to make boil, fight diseases and seek drugs to survive.

    To achieve this, the game has building elements called Camp, that is to say that we can camp almost anywhere in the world.

    The weak point of the game is its gameplay, trailing errors of previous sagas. , a shooter that does not meet the expectations and new technologies, the artificial intelligence of deficient enemies, in addition to archaic animations.

    Inventory management is quite retroactive, although it may have been thought that this intention deserves urgent consideration. On the other hand, the story is rather tedious and slow, we must repeat the same process, tell the story through recordings and tapes.

    As an online game, it also leaves a lot to be desired, the missions lack variety, high level clashes are rare, although it is necessary to specify that the launch of the automatic pumps is quite new and with great potential. Nevertheless, as for all that characterizes the game, several aspects are well thought out, but poorly executed.

    On the other hand, participating in the PVP does not interest him, due to beheading rewards.

    The game still has its characteristic humor, despite all the inconveniences it may have, "Fallout 76" succeeds in being a fun title that improves playing in company and will not interfere with those who know more on the saga.

    But there is no doubt that Bethesda must completely renew its graphics engine to match the post-apocalyptic world that delivery offers us.

    The opinions expressed in this document are not the responsibility of Publimetro

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