Famous Colo Colo before La Calera at the hands of Barrios y Paredes


Colo Colo jumped to the Sausalito Stadium field to face Union La Calera, in the return of Chilean football in the second round of the 2018 National Championship, and was reunited with the victories after winning 2-1 at

In a first even fraction, the colocolino team and the cementers did not benefit from the dashboard, although both generated a hazard in the opposing portals. In order to counter the attacks, Unión La Calera took care to complicate the task of Colo Colo, who was sometimes not comfortable on the ground.

However, fifteen minutes from the end of the first fraction, the blades tilted the actions in their favor, because he had three opportunities to open the marker, but he did not failed to shake the networks. After that, caleranos and colocolinos went to the half-time draw 0-0

Already in the second fraction, Hector "Tito" Tapia moved the table. He withdrew Iván Morales field and, instead, entered Jaime Valdés with the intention of generating more football.

Similarly, Unión La Calera sought to generate danger in the arc guarded by Agustín Orión, but failed to make a difference in the last section of the field

This seemed a match that would remain a draw, but Lucas Barrios, in the 75th minute, was reunited with joy after hitting a center that was sent from the right side of the colocolino attack, from the header to the small area and left the guard without reaction options.

However, the Paraguayan striker was in a position of advancement, his goal should have been canceled. Despite this, the referee did not notice and gave as valid the annotation.

At the 82nd minute, the second bubble of the afternoon would fall, at the feet of Esteban Paredes, who took advantage of the errors of the Calerana back, who could not completely erase a ball that was in the field a. With a low shot, the attacker scored the second

However, the tension caught hold of Colo Colo's supporters and coaching staff after the reduction achieved by the # 39; team calerano, then at the 90 + 2 minute, Fernando Saavedra scored in the lead

Despite this, the dashboard would not move anymore and would stay in a 2-1 in favor of Macul's draw. For the moment, Colo Colo rises to position number five in the table of Chilean football pitches, a point less than the University of Chile, who did not dispute his meeting valid for the sixteenth date.

Next date, the painting made by "Tito" Tapia will receive at the Monumental Stadium of Curicó Unido. While Union La Calera will visit El Teniente Stadium to wash the wounds before O. Higgins de Rancagua

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