Federico Bal: "Leading my elders is the most beautiful thing that can happen to me in life"


It was a melancholy Mother's Day for Carmen Barbieri the first without her mother, Ana, who died in February of this year. But he had his son, unconditionally, at his side, Federico . "We ate a barbecue at a friend's house, Oscar," he explains. During the summer she will direct Carmen and her father, Santiago Bal in Again, a magazine titled Love, the exhibition that they will present at the theater. Atlas of Mar del Plata, with the production of Guillermo Marín. To reinforce the distribution (directed by Carmen, Santiago, Fede, Valeria Archimó – also choreographer – and Bicho Gómez, who would be joined by Mica Viciconte and Sol Pérez), she called a large distribution in Buenos Aires and La Feliz. The answer has exceeded all expectations. "It was great, more than 500 people came in. There was a lot of talent and it will be difficult to choose."

– Is the book your father's, as usual?

– He wrote one, but I booed him a lot. I told him my idea, my vision of the genre and he loved it. He told me: "This is the new magazine.I have changed mood, because the one that it has shown was outdated.It will be a more inclusive, less macho, more familiar.I feel empowered to turn the magazine.I will tell the love story of my old men, a bomb.The monologues will explain how, despite the bad times, a family can meet again, and when there is love, it always triumphs.

– How do you imagine what will be the direction of your parents?

– It's the most beautiful thing that can happen to me in life.Nobody knows them better than me: I grew up seeing them on stage.I do not know if it will be easy , but it's a risk I want to take.

– This year, you're not in the Bailando, you filmed two movies, now you're going to direct the theater … you t & # 39; Is it reinvented?

pbadion, I would say. Before Dancing and the magazine, I studied and directed movies, always behind the camera. Now, I come back from another place, with the popularity and the affection of the people. I have a lead role with my old man, which will be released in January, and a suspense movie, which will be seen in April. I am happy, I love it. And direct this work puts me in a very beautiful place, far from scandals.

– How do you see Laurita's participation in the Dance, and especially the fights in which she is involved? that I saw, would not be comfortable in the dance . I do not choose it anymore for my life. I do not deny, I appreciate what you have given me, but it's a program I'm far from today. I can not comment Laura either, because it's a couple that gave me love and joy. She is a strong woman and should be able to participate in bank talks . I think he appreciates the place he has occupied, and he respects and values ​​it. If you provoke arguments, or generate them, you leave me alone. I just hope that he does not suffer and that he converts his participation to growth.

-After a couple, how do you live your single life?

-It will take a long time before having a partner. I need to heal alone as well, something that I have neglected. And I feel free to do what I want. I am in a new role and I must be localized and responsible in my work. I do not think I'm tied to a lot of girls this season … I'll be in another

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