Felicity Huffman pleads guilty to bribes for university admission | Television and show


The actress Felicity Huffman and 12 other parents agreed on Monday to plead guilty to paying bribes to have their children admitted to prestigious American universities.

"I am ashamed of the pain that I caused to my daughter (who was not aware), to my family, to my friends, to my colleagues and to the world of education, "said the actress in a statement sent to AFP.

"I would like to apologize to them, especially hard-working students every day to enter college and their parents, who are making huge sacrifices to support them, honestly."

"I fully accept my guilt and responsibility for my actions," wrote the actress

Huffman, 56, known for his role in the series "Desperate Housewives", agreed to plead guilty to paying $ 15,000 to get in a statement, the Mbadachusetts Department of Justice ( is) explained that his eldest daughter had gotten better marks at the university admission examination.

Justice has not imputed Huffman's husband, actor William H. Macy, star of the series "Shameless", in the scandal of admissions to the university.

Huffman is facing a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for the offense of transferring fraudulent funds, but justice should not impose such a severe penalty.

Another famous actress, Lori Loughlin, known for her role in the series "Full House" ("Three for Three"), was also indicted in this case, but did not join those who pleaded guilty on Monday.

The two actresses were the best known of a group of 50 people charged with fraud to help their children enter elite universities in the United States.

The other parent companies involved were corporate executives or badociates in major law firms.

The fraudulent conspiracy leader, William Rick Singer, agreed to plead guilty to fraud and to cooperate with the authorities.

According to the authorities, Singer has collected about $ 25 million to guarantee admission to universities by means of fraud examinations or kickbacks for coaches to recruit students without skills sports.

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