Felipe Viel reported details of the long road to adopt three children in the United States | TV and show


The TV presenter, Felipe Viel talks about his experience after the adoption of three American children, who joined the two biological girls that he has with the ex -Miss Chile Paula Caballero.

As part of the presentation of the "Papaciencia Method" a new program for parents, the Miami-based actor says that there is nearly a year he has adopted the three little ones, after keeping them for four years

"We registered (with Paula) in the adoptive parents program to be adoptive parents whose motivation was to receive a child at social risk for to be in our house for a while " he says. According to the newspaper LUN,

He explained that the idea was that the minor would come back with his family later. However, when they were in the agency, they were told almost accidentally that they had three brothers.

"They were small, a couple of twins, Trevor and Nevaeh, 3, and Anna, 2 years old. " explained

After learning that within two months they could return to their mother, and after talking to his wife, they decided to be the guardian parents of the child during that period, we thought that they themselves would respect the opportunity to live with their biological mother, if she could give them a good life. I never thought to stop seeing them s & # 39; 39 they came back with her, and with her until today I have a good relationship " she tells

that until her arrival on August 20 2017, they were finally adopted by Viel and Caballero

"At one point, the Miami judge put us in a definite situation because she told us that her parents were not eligible to the legal guard, so she asked us if she was staying with us. "We did a thorough badysis with my wife and m girls, and we decided to respect this link created and positive for them, "he adds . We had a lot of support from our family here (Chile) who already saw them as a part, "he added.

While acknowledging that it was not an easy path, he was thinking of an "abortion mission" because of the children's behavior. he said that doing this for them is the minimum "in what I can give back to life."

Here we leave you with some pictures of Felipe and his children.

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