Fernanda Pinilla: Being a woman in Chile is difficult


The Chilean selected Red, Fernanda Pinilla openly declared her badual orientation and stressed that it is very difficult to live in our country while being a woman and at the same time bad. [19659002] "Being a woman in Chile is difficult and being bad is worse" said the player who was part of the team of the Chilean national team who got the historic ranking in France World Cup 2019 . The PhD student in physics also added that "when I was a girl, I thought I was wrong, that I was doing terrible things, but because of the things my parents told me, because of the things I saw every day, heteronormed "

" Fortunately, it was not such a long time, it was not something I remember like a stormy episode of my life, but I thought about it and I asked a lot. my existence, but yes I'm doing something wrong, maybe I had to get away from football a bit, maybe football was responsible " -he.

However, the athlete decided to talk about his family at the time of his third year of Bachelor of Science: "I am a bad, I love women right now I I am single, but that's the reality ", however, his parents responded They already knew the badual orientation of the footballer.

Finally, the athlete mentioned that " it is risky to live in Chile and I think it takes us forever to change the mentality in several areas . The feminist movement that unfolds is related to that, but even being a woman in Chile is difficult and being bad is worse, "he said in the newspaper Public Word of the University of Chile . (function (d, s, id) {
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