Fernanda Urrejola reveals that she was harassed by the director of the film "Gringuito"


A few weeks ago, actress Fernanda Urrejola took advantage of her Instagram window to talk about the case of Nicolás López and tell of episodes of harbadment that she experienced as an actress [19659002] "The first time I worked professionally as an actress, I was 19 years old and I was happy to have been in a movie. I had to make a scene of abuse, the director became obsessed with a dish of me without a bra, I was very uncomfortable and at the end of the stage at 5am he separated me from the group and told me in my ear He was part of what he said at that time, but did not want to give the name of the director.

Up to now, since in a conversation with "Una nueva mañana" of Cooperativa, Fernanda Urrejola revealed that he was badually harbaded by Sergio Castilla, director of the movie "Gringuito". It turns out that, as she pointed out a few weeks earlier, the actress debuted in this production

"It was Sergio Castilla, who m & # 39; took for talk about my nipple, "said Urrejola

In addition, the actress recalled the episodes of badual abuse of which he was a victim when he was a minor." He was a Catholic waiter, where he trained. While I was waiting for my sisters, I spent a lot of time entertaining and making friends. That's how we became friends and that an abusive relationship was created that lasted a while, "he said, adding that" I saw him as a friend, that caused me a lot of things, but it was a friend. This is something that happens often and that children block. From there, more abusive stories are generated. "

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