Fernández Vial saved a draw against Malleco Unido in the second division relegation team | Soccer


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Fernando Lagos | fernandezvial.cl | Official site

With a goal at the end of the match, Fernández Vial won a 1-1 draw during his visit to Malleco Unido for the fifth time of the first match. wheel of the second division descent league.

In a match played in the stadium "Alberto Larraguibel" of Angol the local team took advantage of 26 minutes after Carlos Sepúlveda. Mark and unleash the joy of the host.

Already in the second half, the road could not find so much that he was giving at least one point, until Pablo Soto equalized minute 89 and put definitive figures on the dashboard.

With this tie, the "admiral" is second in the standings with 9 points next to San Antonio Unido who has the same score. The pointer is Vallenar Sports with 10 units while the bottom is Malleco Unido, which has only 4 units.

Table League of Descent Second Division


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