Fernando Villegas: We must drop the rumors for their own lack of weight | TV and show


The repercussions continue for the report published by The Clinic, where several women and men accused Fernando Villegas (69) of badual harbadment and ill-treatment, in addition to inappropriate comments.

In the article in view of more than 30 interviews, many of which are anonymous, the victims report inadmissible behaviors that the commentator of Zero Tolerance would have known throughout his career.

One of the first consequences for the journalist was the suspension of his duties at Radio Agricultura. As BioBioChile published, the station decided to momentarily remove the announcer from three microphones: Things by their names Two for the five and Every night they are Friday .

After this intense Monday, Villegas broke the silence at Las Ultimas Noticias, where he badured that the article was based only on old rumors.

"The story is so flat, so bad and so little journalistic, based on rumors of 20 years ago that it is not worth commenting on. We must let the rumors fall by their own lack of weight, " said without going further on the subject

Recall that some of the charges, made mainly by makeup artists who worked with him, include touches, insults, obscene comments, among others.

"I know some companions (…) who were afraid of her and who asked me to catch up", said anonymous one of the workers, who badured that she stopped Villegas' behavior toward her when he "looked at"

For her part, Polo Ramírez who worked with him in the past, told LUN that he was not surprised by the accusations. "What surprises me is the speed with which these obvious offers are broken down," he said.

"On Radio Duna, where he was working, I saw two people who were part of the radio crew who felt very uncomfortable about the approach that he had towards them, "he added.

"In different circumstances, they said that when he came to the radio they felt violated by the way he greeted them, how he approached them and how he approached them. evoked " When the headquarters heard about the situation, they spoke with the reporter who changed attitude.

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