FIAT workers intensify their anger over Cristiano's signing at Juventus and they will hit


Cristiano Ronaldo's signature to Juventus is the great new sport of the moment and even surpbaded the attention that these days the Russian World Cup 2018. C & # 39 is to see the CR7 cycle end Real Madrid has shocked everyone, as has the investment of one hundred million euros that has allowed Vecchia Signora to stay with one of the best players of the world.

The purchase of Luso excited everyone fans of Juventus who now hope for an elusive Champions League, a tournament in which they have been twice finalists in the last four seasons , loser against Barcelona, ​​in 2014/15, then Real Madrid, in 2016/17, with Cristiano Ronaldo being the big figure to score two goals in the victory of 4 to 1.

However, in Italy all n 39 is not the joy for the arrival of the Portuguese star and the most annoying are the workers of the car factory FIAT company owned by the same owners of Juventus, which launched a two-day strike to criticize the investment of millions of dollars made by the club to hire the player.

Through A press release, broadcast by La Gazzetta dello Sport, questions the money invested in CR7 and compares it to the conditions of work in the automotive business: " there n & # It is not acceptable that workers continue to make huge economic sacrifices, while the company spends millions of euros for a player. "

" They say we We are going through a difficult period, as we await the launch of new models that never arrive, and as workers and their families tighten their belts more and more, the company decides to invest a lot of money. Is it normal for a person to be millions, while thousands of families fail to make ends meet? ", Adds the article.

But not only did the communiqué reveal the discomfort of the workers and Gerardo Giannone, a Fiat official 18 years ago, raised his voice on behalf of his colleagues and said in an interview to the program The Zanzara of Radio 24, that "it's a shame." Ten years ago and with the salary of Cristiano we could increase 200 euros to all employees of the company . "


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