Filmmaker Nicolás López is accused of sexual harassment and abuse


As it happened some time ago with the director of television series Herval Abreu, the magazine Saturday again raised topics of badual harbadment and abuse in the world. Creole entertainment industry. Nicolás López, a well-known national filmmaker, was accused of badual harbadment and abuse by actors actressz with whom he worked.

Like Abreu, there were seven women who denounced López as the author of vexations against him, including names such as Lucy Cominetti Josefina Montané and Maria Vidaurre .

Cominetti comments that his professional relationship with him began in 2008, when he came to his production company Sobras for a casting. "From Lucy's departure, Lopez started saying that she was very rich, that she had fallen in love," said an actor who was also present that day.

"At first, Nicolás was very entertaining, I remember that he had invited me to eat at Ky before saving, because we were going to work together, he wanted to know more about I was nervous, but I felt that I had no way to deny myself without looking too coiled.I was 26 years old.I had done some fair series.I was starting to notice that he was lovingly interested in me, I did not want to be my friend.My part. I did not want anything with him, he took it very badly, He m & # 39; said that he was not going to take eggs with Asperger like me, "she told the weekly of Mercury .

After a visit to the Valdivia Festival in 2009, the harbadment of Nicolás was repeated. The man after "What a shame your life" was insinuated several times during his stay in the south, even commenting that "now we are like that, but you and I are going to throw."

Andrea Velasco, movie star before Lopez tried to kiss Lucy throwing herself on her and she resisted, then I saw him doing the same thing on a wall of the disco . I did not know how to react, unfortunately, I did not intervene. "

Josefina Montané, who would also have been badually involved, even tried to touch one of her bads." I worked with him in 2014 on a pilot for the Heart attack series, and later he m 39 called to join me in a restaurant, because the series was selling in Miami, I thought we were just going to talk about work, but the situation was extremely He told me, literally, he could catch the tit & # 39; and why I was worried if we were going to end up launching or, that it was not even the exact word, I would prefer not to mention the one that he used. sentenced the artist.

María Vidaurre (22), another of those mentioned in the report, was contacted by Lopez via Instagram when she was only 17 years old: "She began to search the networks social, she wrote me messages like: Why are you probing, when will you finish, what's yours not going to last, I wrote to n & rsquo; Any time, I said that I was rich in photo, I had to block everything ".

In 2015, Vidaurre was summoned to a casting in the department of Nicolás. The young woman attended the building, where she was approached by Lopez in her room. " he pushed me against the bed, he threw me and he threw me over, he climbed on me, it was very fast, I was remember that I kidnapped him and arrested him .This would not have happened, he tried to make it look like a joke, "recalls Maria.

Daniela Ginestar – actist and journalist – was the victim of abuse the same year as Vidaurre. At this point, Daniela contacted him on Twitter to see if he could be part of one of his movies castings. Nicolás invited him to lunch, appointment to which Ginestar agreed. Subsequently, they went to Sobras.

In the spot, López projected a video where he allowed to have bad with a recognized local media actress, of whom no information is detailed. "Before my shock I explained that all the actresses had to do this sort of thing to show that they were good, she told me that I was too naive and that it only served not to be an actress, "recalls the old model.

Later, Nicolás went to the bathroom and "came back to bad, he clarified that I had nothing to do, I just had to stay there, since my energy was there. had warmed up .He said that if I was shocked by these things, then I would devote myself to something else, since actresses do not really hit the human body and less with an act too primitive as masturbation. "

Advised by the Imaginacción lobbying and communication company (the same as Abreu hired to work on his case), López gave an interview to La Tercera on June 17, where he talked about the issues of Gender Equality and the #MeToo Movement, which inspired his latest film "Yo Tambi"

"I was raised in a full toxic machismo society, where we all had to learn to beat , without a guide, how to relate to the feminine gender, a culture where the winner was the alpha male, the one who was with the mines, the one who conquered, and now with the #MeToo movement there are things that are thought differently, it seems wonderful to me that people now have this ability to denounce, that the law can judge and listen to both parties, "he said on the occasion of the national morning.

El Sábado Magazine tried to contact the filmmaker. However, they only received a statement from him: "I have been asked for an interview for a report that is being prepared by Saturday Magazine with complaints against me, but I am being asked to do so. has denied knowing the context of these accusations makes it impossible to participate in the report. "

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