Filtering reveals Manchester City's threats against UEFA


The city reached an agreement with UEFA not to be excluded from the Champions League but did not pay the full penalty. Getty Images

LONDON – Manchester City threatened to destroy the Union of UEFA when the governing body of European football launched sanctions against the club belonging to Abu Dhabi for spending so much excessive in player signatures and hide costs, according to documents cited Friday by a group of media.

The City did not question the authenticity of the documents disseminated by the media network European Research Collaborations (European Research Collaborations), reported in the first place by the weekly German Der Spiegel as part of a series entitled 'Football Leaks'. but criticizing journalism.

"We will not comment on allegedly pirated or stolen materials outside the context of the City Football Group, staff and badociates in Manchester City," he said. or the current champion of the Premier League of England.

"The attempt to damage the reputation of the club is organized and obvious".

During a survey conducted in 2014, the executive director of the City publicly qualified for independence. , Ferrán Soriano secretly discussed the affair with the then Secretary General of UEFA, Gianni Infantino who became president of the FIFA two years later, According to the documents disclosed

"I had a good phone call with Gianni Infantino where we agreed on how to inform lawyers (negotiate an agreement that is more than a warning and can be considered effective / deterrent, dramatically, the MCFC case "), said Soriano to Khaldoon Al Mubarak in correspondence seen by the Spiegel.

Infantino defended his actions as UEFA holder, and after interview, just days before the publication of the documents.

"My job is to talk, have conversations, exchange documents, drafts, ideas, etc., on many topics, otherwise I will not go anywhere," he said, questioned about future disclosure of information.

"I mean, if I had to stay in my room and talk to no one and I could not do anything, how can I do my job properly? So, if it's going to be presented as something bad, I can not do more than my job honestly, professionally and trying to defend the interests of football. "

an agreement with UEFA to avoid being excluded from the exclusive and lucrative Champions League for violation of the rules known as financial fair play. He accepted a fine of 60 million euros (then 82 million dollars) spread over three years and accepted a limit for his first team of 21 players instead of 25 years. But City has never settled the entirety of the fine. He was forced to give up 20 million euros in rewards in 2017.

UEFA auditors discovered that the city had inflated the value of the agreements of sponsoring with signatures relating to the owners of the Abu Dhabi team that they had purchased. at the club in 2008 using the fortune of Sheikh Mansour. The new owners turned the city into a powerful rival who challenged the traditional supremacy of the neighbor Manchester United.

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