Five films with Queen music ideal for Sunday – 11/04/2018


After the premiere at Bohemian Rhapsody the biopic that tells the story of the band at the head of Freddy Mercury, we chose five films containing songs. by Queen .

Lists based on a single song could be compiled. Clbadics like We're the champions We'll rock you or under pressure appear in dozens of movies and series that only expand the group's legend British Here, the the five top Clarín :

1) The World According to Wayne (1992)

Available in Cablevisión Flow.

The movie that catapulted The star Mike Myers follows Wayne (Myers) and Garth (Dana Carvey), two half-lost friends whose local TV program – recorded in a basement – is considered by a large network. Based on a screenplay and characters created by Myers himself, the film begins by putting a tape in Garth's car and then they sing together Bohemian Rhapsody shaking their heads like metal heads. ) Trainspotting 2 (2017)

Available on HBO Go.

In this sequel that Danny Boyle decided to take twenty years after the first, Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) decides to go back to Scotland to meet his friends Spud (Ewen Bremner), Sick Boy (Jonny Lee). Miller) and Begbie (Robert Carlyle), two decades after betraying them. Then the four return to their drug and alcohol caravans. Radio Ga and a crowd sings and applauds the hitazo written by Roger Taylor, the drummer of Queen.

3) A funny story (2010)

] Available in Cablevisión Flow.

Craig is a clinically depressed boy forced to spend a week in a psychiatric hospital. Although he thinks the hospitalization will not help him, he eventually creates friendships with the inmates, especially with Bobby (Zack Galifianakis) and Noelle (Emma Roberts). In the clinic's music workshop, Craig is forced to sing. What follows is a brilliant scene in which the boy imagines himself singing Freddie Mercury under pressure and whose inmates and nurses are the companions and the backing vocalists of the group.

4) Ted (2012)

Available on Netflix.

To palliate the absence of Flash Gordon on streaming platforms, the comedy Seth MacFarlane (creator of Family Guy ), with Mark Wahlberg , features a tribute to the 1980 film that had an excellent soundtrack to Queen. In addition to the clbadics Flash theme they sound . Football Fight Topic of the 19459005 and Battle of the Hero at an uncontrolled party organized by the Bear with the participation of a veteran Sam J. Jones, an actor who played the super -heros in the original.

5) Heart of a Gentleman (2001)

Available on YouTube.

From the beginning of the credits, We Will Rock You musicalise this time the story of a humble gentleman (Heath Ledger) who lives jousting, medieval fights to The Spectators dance, clap their hands and beat the stands to the rhythm of the song composed by Queen's guitarist Brian May. In the final credits, this is reminiscent of Robbie Williams's cover of We Are The Champions recorded punctually for this film by Brian Helgeland.

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