Five things you will experience on the most anticipated tour of Shakira, El Dorado World Tour & # 39; | Music


The grand tour of Shakira one of the most anticipated of the year (and also for obvious reasons), arrives in Spain these days. The singer presents Dorado World Tour a sixth world tour that will take her to more than 50 shows around the world.

She is one of the queens of music and it's been too long. He has visited scenes around the globe. As a result, Shakira threw the house out of the window: 19 countries in Europe, 2 in Asia, 21 in North America and 12 in Latin America.

In our country, the Colombian gives five concerts: Bilbao, A Coruña and Madrid and two in Barcelona. What will we find at home? What Shakira are we going to see? What surprises did you prepare?

# 1 Shakira returns with the same force as usual

The wait was long, but it was worth it. After 8 years without a solo tour, Shak returns with a slight delay after his voice problems. Despite this, on stage we still see the same Shakira: voice, power, choreography and show.

Live sound is always impeccable, its way of moving and its characteristic hip dance continue in the show and, most importantly, Shakira has a mature unseen until now.

# 2 Get ready to enjoy nostalgic moments that will take you to the past

Although it's true that the latest hits from Shakira ] approach reggaeton and bet on Latin rhythms , Shakira from ten years ago appears in the concert. The list of songs you play will make you return to your youngest years.

If you leave, inevitable or Under your clothes will be the favorite themes of all those who loved the Shakira from several albums, to the most poetic and sensitive.

# 3 If you want to dance, it's the perfect concert

In addition to the quiet songs like those mentioned above, today's Shakira is more present than never in this Dorado World Tour. [19659013] Therefore, the singer revolutionizes every place with such success as blackmail, cycling or La La.

It is in these matters where Shak deploys her maximum power corporal, giving everything with her dancer's body in a show full of light, color, an incredible wardrobe and the good vibrations that have always characterized it.

# 4 The Journey Necessary to the Life of Shakira

If anything is characterized by his current tour is to be a trip to the life of the singer herself. From the beginning to the end of her discography, Shak reviews themes that have made her a first – rate artist and those who have dedicated her as one of the Latin queens today. # 39; hui.

Also, this journey, which begins with the mythical theme Estoy Aquí ends with The Bicicleta. A statement of intent? Probably, because if something is safe Shakira is that he wants to continue pedaling in the world of music.

# 5 Family, friends and surprises … His most special shows

The concerts that Shakira will give in our country will be the most special of all. It is clear that each of his appointments is important, but Spain (next to Colombia, of course) is the country where he has the most roots Shakira

His partner, Gerard Piqué your children, many friends … The guests of your shows in Madrid and Barcelona will be very special. In addition, it would not be strange at all that a singer goes on stage with her … Alejandro Sanz? Maluma? Everything is possible in a tour of this level!

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