Football fans cry a symbol of stadiums: the famous "uncle of stickers" is dead | Soccer


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Twitter from the University of Chile

Chilean football cries under one of its emblems inside national stadiums. Hugo Figueroa was a renowned seller of stickers that ran through the stadiums mainly in the metropolitan area.

Football fans who regularly visit the stadium are probably the ones who most regret the departure of Hugo Figueroa, in addition to his family. The seller ceased to exist on Monday

On social networks, many fans said goodbye to him, and the club Universidad de Chile presented his condolences to his family and loved ones through its official report.

For those attending the stadiums, he was known as "The Uncle Stickers". Funeral will take place this Tuesday at 12:00 pm at the Metropolitan Cemetery.

"Who said the U?"
Today, Hugo Figueroa has left us, a well known salesman who, for years, has gone from stadium to stadium all over Chile by offering the stickers of our club. Our most sincere condolences to your family and loved ones. #VamosLaU

– University of Chile (@udechile) December 24, 2018

How did he get to be on all courts? No idea, I just know that now it will be a lot easier to keep doing it. QEPD Mr. Hugo Figueroa.

– Felipe Inostroza (@Felipe_Ins) December 24, 2018

What sad news, the death of Hugo Figueroa, better known in the football folklore as "My uncle of stickers" now my condolences to his family …

– #El_Gabo (@ gabriel_maipu83) On the 24th December 2018

HUG TO HEAVEN. I am at the funeral of Hugo Figueroa, better known as "Tio de los stickers". If you want to approach, you can do it without problem, they will receive it well. Pbadage Leyda 3514, Maipú.
Tomorrow, funeral at the metropolitan cemetery at 12 o'clock.

– Sebastian Munizaga⚽️ (@SebastianMuni) December 24, 2018

We learned of the sad disappearance of Don Hugo Figueroa, a football worker who used to see in almost every country area, especially in the national one, something called "chuncho". Our condolences and endurance for your family.

Who did not buy a sticker?

– Asam. Blue fans (@asambleazules) December 24, 2018

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