For each appearance of sound, FIFA disburses 13 thousand dollars


June 29, 2018 – 09:52
This is the "symbolic figure" that you give for every match in which you participate. The same thing happens with the rest of the players who are usually seen in stadiums and TV shows constantly.

The "Ten" does not stop charging. Diego Maradona is one of the figures of the World Cup, he is part of the "Legends Concept" with other glories like Ronaldo or Iker Casillas

The Argentinian national team is in eighth of final, tomorrow against France in Kazan, and C is the news. And the presence of Diego Maradona at every albiceleste match is also a news. The World Cup is played on the grbad and in the box where she stands, screams, cheers, dances and is as protagonist as the players led by Jorge Sampaoli.

The figure of the champion team in Mexico 86 is in Russia to support the national team and for the commercial engagement it has with the Venezuelan chain Telesur, for which he directs the program De la Mano del Diez. However, as part of FIFA's "Legends Concept", it is one of the glories that serve as ambbadadors to the entity headed by Gianni Infantino.

Ronaldo, Iker Casillas, Xavi Hernandez and Cameroonian Eto & # 39; o, among others, they are also part of the FIFA Legend team. And, as members of this chosen group, they receive a "symbolic" payment for each event in which they participate.

According to the Sport Bible website, the figure rises to £ 10,000 per occurrence (the equivalent to $ 13,000), beyond the particular bond that each player with FIFA.

This is a period of great demand for the figure of Maradona. It is that, once the World Cup is over, he will take the presidency of Belarus Dynamo Brest, where he will make all decisions related to football.

Matías Morla, lawyer of the Ten, was in Belarus in the last hours by topics of logistics, finishing to close the house where he will live and some health problems for Diego to work

There Maradona signed a two-year contract (with the possibility of extending it) for an amount that tripled what he perceived to Fujairah FC from the UAE. By choosing Dynamo, a club linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, he rejected three other heavy offers (a team from Turkey, another from Arabia and the Kuwait team). In this context, the "symbolic figure" that FIFA charges is an anecdote.


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