Forecasts of the second round of the 2018 Russia World Cup


At the goal, we are encouraged to make predictions on the next matches of the World Cup.

The group phase is a thing of the past . Teams like Germany, Peru and Poland have been left on the road and now comes the moment when everyone was expecting: the knockout stages . From now on, there is no tomorrow for the 16 teams that are still alive in the tournament and their qualification will be played in the knockout matches.

In Goal we present the predictions for the eighths of Russia 2018:


  Argentina Nigeria World Cup Russia 2018 26062018

The victory against the Nigeria has not only given Argentina the qualification, but also a new opportunity to start from scratch. Now, without the pressure of being on the verge of leading one of the biggest failures in his history, Albiceleste reaches the knockout stage with the illusion of making a good match against France and reach the quarterfinal pbad.

Prediction: Clbadify Argentina


  Uruguay Russia World Cup 2018

The Celeste has had no problem keeping the head of Group A. However, now the team of Master Tabárez has the challenge to compete with the champion of Europe, who comes to this match with an inspired Cristiano Ronaldo, author of 4 goals up here in the World Cup. If the Uruguayan claw is revealed, the Uruguayan dream does not end here

Prediction: To clbadify Uruguay


  Isco Alarcon Jordi Alba Spain Morocco Spain Morocco 25062018

The level of the Red was much lower than expected. After the draw against Portugal, Fernando Hierro took the lead with a lot of problems and was even a step away from the last game against Morocco. The match against Russia is the perfect opportunity to clear all doubts

Prediction: Rank Spain


  Ivan Rakitic, Luka Modric , Croatia 06212018

It is not the reflectors of the great powers, but it is one of the best teams up here in World Cup. Having progressed to the last 16 with an ideal score, Croatia has reached this match in big favorite against Denmark, a team up here very irregular.

Prognosis: Croatia qualifies [19659004] BRAZIL – MEXICO

  Mexico Korea WC 2018

The story is not favorable for El Tri, who up to # 39; here does not know the victory against Verdeamarela in a World Cup. However, Mexico has shown throughout the tournament that it has all it takes to fight for important things and give the big surprise of the 2018 Russia knockout rounds.

Forecast: Clbadify Mexico ]


  Belgium World Cup 2018

He came under pressure from the big candidates, but that does not matter. did not stop to show all his football in Group G. Belgium has swept his three matches: Panama and Tunisia crushed respectively 3-0 and 5-2. In the last stop, against England, he was left to victory thanks to a Januzaj goal. Be careful with this team.

Prediction: Clbad Belgium



Nobody trusted them. Much less after learning that Zlatan Ibrahimovic would not be summoned. However, the Nordic team won on the basis of order and good aerial play in Group F, qualifying first on Mexico, Germany and South Korea. He is clearly favorite in the match against Switzerland.

Prognosis: Clbadifies Sweden

Continuous article below


 ] Radamel Falcao James Rodriguez Colombia World Cup 2018

L & # 39 Pekerman's team gave a huge show of character, having recovered from defeat in the early days against Japan with victories against Poland and Senegal. The match against England is an ideal opportunity for this generation of players who have the illusion of returning to the quarterfinals.

Prediction: Clasifica Colombia

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