Former footballer Luis Núñez is a fugitive justice after a charge of alleged homicide


The former football player Luis Núñez was accused of involvement in a murder and was a fugitive from justice. According to the information provided by La Tercera, the story begins when, on October 10, carabinieri go to a house in the town of La Legua and find two people injured by gunshots.

One of them was Juan Pinto Vásquez. died a few hours later and a survivor identified as Mario Albornoz Bustamante, his femur having been destroyed by another shot and accused of having accused of badaulting Andrés Vergara Baeza and Núñez.

Because of this, the prosecutor of the prosecutor Marcelo Apablaza asked for the arrest of the two people involved in the incident, but the former player of the UC was not found. Prior to that, the judge of the 12th bail court of Santiago, Carolina Gajardo, had extended the arrest warrant to the Homicide Brigade.

"The crime in question and the circumstances of the crime and the recognition made by the victim seems sufficient the arrest of the two accused is allowed," says the order made by the judge.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the attorney of former striker, Juan Hernández, stated that his client had not responded to his calls and that he was not in charge. probably had not noticed anything that had happened yet.

"Luis no longer lives in Santiago, I guess no one has communicated yet. I doubt he knows they're looking for him. I have tried to communicate during the day and I still can not, "said Hernandez.

Prison at the end of last year after r a four-year and 64-day sentence for funding a drug trafficking gang in 2013, in addition to the illegal possession of 39, a weapon. Nearly a year later, the former footballer is again involved in a police case.


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