Four plaintiffs declared judicially against Abreu


Actresses Fedra Vergara, Antonella Orsini, Carola Paz and screenwriter Barbara Zemelman, four of complainants against Herval Abreu accused of badual harbadment and abuse, testified in the audience room May against the director of the TV series

According to what was published this Thursday by La Tercera Vergara was the first actress to report against Abreu, delivering a series of Antecedents such as scenes of jealousy and Abreu hinted that they had a romantic relationship.

He added that in 2014, the director of "Soltera again", went to his apartment where he took the opportunity to accuse him,

Antonella herself, said on May 9, where she recognized that Abreu had met her at the age of 13 when she questioned her about her intimate life and, between two recordings, "He gave me small pits. with him, word-of-mouth "e n together

Years later, he was also harbaded in the director's department, when he invited her to see a teaser and where approached her door so that she would not come out .He also revealed that two actresses had asked her to testify because they were not in able to do so: Josefina Montané and Susana Hidalgo

On May 10, Carola Paz stated that, among other things, she had recalled that Abreu would have taken a motel without his consent, the forcing a badual relationship.

Finally, on May 17, it was Zemelman's turn, which said among other things that the accused tried to kiss him without his consent ].

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