Fran Crovetto is the first Chilean ranked at the Olympic Games.


A little less than two years before the start of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, but in Chile, we already know that we will be represented by an athlete accustomed to the five rings: Francisca Crovetto.

This ranking he managed the Pan-American skeet shot in Guadalajara, Mexico, where he used all his experience to get a bronze medal that allowed him to travel to Asia.

This is not a minor feat. Fran, who, at the age of 28, still has a lot of career ahead of her to continue to fill the national sport of glory. Many feel that she is not so young, since from a young age she has started to stand out in the skeet shot and the name is familiar to those who follow her career. In fact, his fledgling talent allowed him to participate before the Olympics. of London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro 2016.

In the English capital, he had an excellent participation, fighting until the end of the competition and getting an honorable eighth place. For this reason, Brazil had many expectations, but finished only in 19th place.

For the same reason, to face what will live in Japan will have the motivation to work intensively thinking to be able to do it. to reach a historical position, because after the experiences that he has lived during his career, it will surely help him when drawing the plates.

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