Fran Drescher reveals the dark truth behind the slender figure of "The Nana" | Trade | TV | Series


Star life is not as perfect as it looks. Fran Drescher who was one of the most popular figures of the 90s for the series " The Nana ", recounted that this decade was one of the harshest of her existence and that, because of that, she wore this little character who became characteristic of his character.

At age 60, the actress Fran Drescher confessed that her thin appearance in the recalled series was due to a strong post-traumatic stress disorder after an unpleasant experience

L & # 39; Actress revealed that she had been raped and threatened with a firearm in 1985 when they invaded her home. During a debate in New York, Fran Drescher admitted that this pbadage of his life had caused a disorder that had led him to lose weight

"I have been a victim of a violent crime a few years ago. "And I really had not dealt with that, I had to deal with that once I became famous and it turned out, thank god I was in therapy! Honestly, I liked to go at work and being Fran Fine, because it was More fun, lighter, and my life was a mess, I think that was part of the reason she was so thin, "said L & # 39; actress. "19659005" When I sold the show (1993), it weighed 64 kilos. fifth season, I weighed maybe 49 kilos, I burned the candle at both ends. "

Currently, the actress points out that she has regained a healthy weight after overcoming uterine cancer." According to Fran Descher it is important to "d & # 39; "honor" his body and says that he does not miss his old silhouette.


Regarding the rumors that indicated a possible return of the series on television, Fran Descher stated that "this is not true." However, he confirmed that with the creator of "1945 The Nanny " they are working on a "very exciting" project, and fans of the 90 series "will be happy when they announce it."

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