Francisca Imboden confronted Nicolás López with the harassment of his daughter


The actress Francisca Imboden confirmed the denunciations of his daughter against Nicolás López and recalled a episode of tension or that she lived with the filmmaker accused of badual abuse.

In an interview with La ​​Segunda the ancient "Mucho Gusto" reported that María Trinidad Garcés his 24-year-old daughter, told him that López was harbading her by messages "When it was loaded"

"I wrote to him" I can make you famous, look at Josefina Cisternas (actress of "I'm not crazy") But come to a cast at my house, Let's go eat "" explains Imboden

The actress of "Romané" says that she told her daughter "not to go in there, that was known to be a pig . he spoke because he thought nothing would happen, that he knew that I was a friend of Paz Bascuñán. "

Even the interpreter recalled a moment of tension in the who faced López for contacting María Trinidad. " At a party, I told Nicolás López: "I know you write to my daughter" and he runs away. "He left" he says.

"Why does the kosher of the pampas follow?" Being the model to follow, because they were brought up with "it's not so," that kind of seduction, and they do not are not realized that there must be a floor, which is the acceptance of the other. people are surprised at these things and question the victims, it is a Scary social cynicism "reflects Imboden.

This Thursday Maria Trinidad Garcés recounted in her Instagram account the approaches she had with the director of "Middle Red", who harbaded her at a party and via messages on social networks

She does not believe Paz Bascuñán

The actress Paz Bascuñán, one of the most stable collaborators of Lopez, He made reference to the accusations against the director. "I regret not having seen the signs of women who felt mistreated around me and were hurting me," said the protagonist of "Sin Filtro".

Francisca Imboden questioned Bascuñán 's version and badured that the love that I have for her, I think it' s impossible that she 's n? would not have noticed. ".

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