Francisca Imboden stopped the cars in Nicolás López and sent a message to Paz Bascuñán


The denunciations of eight women against Nicolás López were the most discussed topic of the week, with other testimonies revealed.

One of them was María Trinidad Garcés, the 24 year old daughter of Francisca Imboden, who revealed that the harbadment of the director started at a party and was blocked by the social networks.

"She did very well, but became aggressive and started saying," Oh, what? Do you believe? The Paris Hilton? ", Commented the actress at La Segunda

In conversation with said medium, Imboden said that she confronted Lopez at a party and told her that she knew she was wrote to his daughter.

This was not the only problem, since Francisca also alluded to the words of Paz Bascuñán: "With all the love I have for him, I think that it is impossible that she would not have noticed. "

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