Francisca Merino's eldest daughter will star in her first advertising campaign | TV and show


Amanda, the eldest daughter of Francisca Merino is only 10 years old and has already starred in an advertising campaign for the Everlast sports brand.

Francisca was a brand ambbadador for years, so she was asked to pose with Amanda. The girl did it so well, that after a few months they called her again, but this time to work alone.

In the new campaign, Amanda appears in sports suits and sunglbades playing with the camera, something that seems to be natural in it. In fact, his mother says that he never asked him for advice on how to cope.

However, for the strict actress to allow her to work on the project, the mother and daughter had to hear. "You have to save half of what you earn.The rest of the money is up to you and you can do whatever you want because it's up to you" acknowledged the panelist from Welcome to Las Últimas Noticias.

Francisca opened a savings account so that the girl could deposit some of her earnings, because her idea is that Amanda can save enough for one day she has the footing to buy his own apartment.

"I always tell them that I started working since I was very young.I want them to be independent." Amanda is happy because she has money to buy her business and she knows that she has something for the future " added Merino, who revealed that the girl's first purchase was the mobile phone that She wanted.

"I'm not a mom-manager, I'm not interested in my daughter being a model or getting her job. What interests me the most is that it's professional, "he added. Something that is also very clear for the little one as explained by his mother, "is super serious and professional".

"She has an extraordinary personality and sometimes I have to stop her cars," she added, adding that she was recently invited to another parade. " I asked him if he wanted to go in. He answered yes, but only if he was paid" he finished.

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