Gabriel Arias is ready to sign Racing de Avellaneda


Gabriel Arias will leave Union La Calera six months after his arrival at the box "cementero" and will return to Argentine football.

The trans-national press ensures that the goalkeeper of the Chilean national team has almost all ready to sign for Racing de Avellaneda

In this sense, the nationalized Creole goal would have a contract until 2021 with the Academy, the casting that would happen to play the round of 16 of the Copa Libertadores against River Plate and replace Juan Musso, who emigrated to Udinese With this, the national goalkeeper would return to Argentine football, since He had already stepped into Olympus and Defense and Justice, the club that owns his pbad.

Record that Arias was in the last European tour of Reinaldo Rueda's red and cut in two parts, showing a good level.

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