Gala Caldirola's powerful response to an adept who criticized her and spoke of her daughter's education – Shows and Culture


© Instagram   Gala Caldirola's powerful response to an adept who criticized her and referred to her daughter's education

The model did not want to miss the insults and published the messages that it was. a man had sent him Instagram Tvn


Known characters or the show are constantly receiving messages of insults and criticism from their subscribers on social networks and generally ignore them to make it less important, although recently for Gala Caldirola, there was one that bothered her more than usual and she decided to answer him openly.

The Spanish decided to publish her communiqués via Instagram, where she published the messages that her "disciple" had sent her as a trainee, where

" I hope your daughter will teach you the values ​​that you did not have (…) Because I did not see an easier woman and a victim of violence in my life (…) What a shame you give ", wrote the man.

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