Germán delves into the novel


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Some people think that today, youtuber or influencer is a profession in which you just have to be in front of a camera to say or say anything.

For Germán Garmendia, best known for his vlog HolaSoyGermán, things are very different because he considers that devoting himself to the world of video on the Internet has opened the door for him to do other things that fascinate him like to be a musician, direct movies or even write.

In 2011, as an influencer, the young Chilean became the second youtuber with more followers in the world, which allowed him to form his musical group in the following years with which he published two EPs.

Not satisfied. Germán began traveling around the world, settled in Los Angeles, lent his voice to the animated film The Ice Age: The Shock of the Worlds and wrote a book, # Chupaelperro, in which he recounts his journeys as a celebrity. and the Internet.

Now, Germán publishes a second book, but this time he enters the world of the novel, which he admits he's never thought of writing with Say hello.

"I did not really want to make a book of this story, I rather conceived of it as a short film or a video where I told it, but in the end, she did not concretized, circulating like a book in which nothing economic is what I write, it's a fiction of a romantic relationship, "he said.

The 28-year-old admits that although his name may be a hook for the people and his fans acquire his book, he also knows that others will hardly know him through what he wrote on these pages.

"Of course, I know my fans will want to have it, but the idea of ​​writing it is that at the beginning of the agitation I had and secondly, that of Alg One way I want that those who do not know me know me and those who know it know that I am not just a guy who makes videos on YouTube. "

About the haters who may think that this n & # 39; 39 is not a good writing or who only wants to earn more money with the book, Germán is frank: "Do not buy the book, there are many offers that could be interesting" , did he declare.

The Chilean said that if the book was on sale – on October 9 in Mexico City with Editorial Planet – it's a success, there is strong potential to make it a movie.

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