Get to know the original sketch of "Broly" by Dragon Ball


MEXICO.- Broly is back in the movie Dragon Ball Super. Those who have followed the franchise since the 1990s will have noticed that their appearance is not the same all the more so if we look at the original design of the Legendary Saiyan .

The official website of Dragon Ball shared Broly's original drawing in the section "Almost Completed Works of Akira Toriyama", where lesser-known mangaka sketches are periodically exhibited, said the sports journalist on his website.

Broly appeared for the first time in the movie "Dragon Ball Z: The Invincible Power" in 1993. Here we show you how was Toriyama's original idea for this powerful character.

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As you know, "Super Dragon Ball" will have Broly as the antagonist of his next film, but it will not be the first time that the character appears in the saga. He was in three films from the 90s. Do we need to see them to understand the new story?

We understand that the new film "Super Dragon Ball" has nothing to do with the three films of Broly, because they do not belong to the cannon; They are not located anywhere in the anime calendar.

The "Dragon Ball Z" Broly was not defeated once, but three times. The first was fighting Goku in space, the second fighting Gohan and Goten; and the third against Goten and Trunks. The last time the enemy was a deformed clone.

So, the Broly of "Dragon Ball Super" is a different character, although he has some details in common with the original character (like the design), Goku and Vegeta will face Broly, a saiya of great power that will reach the planet Earth under mysterious circumstances. With this fight, new details on the origin of the saiyas will be revealed.

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