Given the low marks of his autistic daughter, his father had the best reaction of all


Her daughter felt that she had "disappointed everyone" and, as she could not bear to see her in distress, she created a new newsletter. ¡Mirá

  Father and daughter
Father and daughter

A father from Tasmania, Australia, produced a new bulletin when he found his daughter with disgruntled autism. years, for the serious notes that he had brought home. She wanted to emphasize the many facets in which the little one is excellent, for example, in pleasure, in her love for dogs, and could not miss, being the best girl.

The girl, named Sophie, was crying because she thought he had "disappointed everyone" by getting bad marks for the second year in a row. However, Shane Jackson had the best idea of ​​all.

So he qualified his daughter in the new bulletin:

Amusement: Remarkable

He Loves Dogs: Remarkable

Fighting Boys: Remarkable

Drawing and Making Robots: exceptional

Imagination: Honors

Best Girl in the World: Honors

The girl was diagnosed with autism at the age of three years. However, at present, he is attending a conventional school and had to attend three weekly tutorials after clbad when he failed last year.

"He worked very hard and we saw tremendous progress outside of school. So we had (Shane, his wife Fiona and Sophie) a lot of hope that he got better at school, "says Shane, in dialogue with the UK's HuffPost, to about his daughter . Then they gave her the newsletter and she felt very disappointed because she had tried very hard and that she really thought that she would do better than last year. . From our point of view, we know that he worked hard and that we are very satisfied with what he did, whatever the bulletin says, "says father

" At this moment I I thought I should give him a ballot with all things. which makes him unique and makes Sophie Sophie. She loved and has been very animated since I gave it to her. It's the effect I was looking for, "he concluded.

My daughter who has ASD received rights Ds on her report today. She cried and said "I've let everyone down" this is my grade card for her.

– Shane Jackson (@ShaneJacks) June 27, 2018

Source: Telefé.

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