Golden State beat New York with 41 points from Kevin Durant


Kevin Durant scored 25 of his 41 points in the last ruthless quarter of Golden State, and the Warriors on Friday beat the New York Knicks by a 128-100 win.

New York was won by three after three quarters, before Durant and the Warriors started shooting all the ground, to put 19 of the 26 field shots. Things went so well that, in a strange failure of Durant in a long-distance shot, the ball bounced off the bow in front of Stephen Curry, who stood out and scored a triple.

Curry added 29 units and six triples, for giving at least five long distance shots in each game this season. But on the field where he scored the most points of his career with 54 points in 2013, his performance seemed almost unobtrusive because of Durant.

Durant was the focus of the match and the star of the match. He plays with 17 goals on the field, including five behind the goal, and nine rebounds.

Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 24 points for the Knicks, who have lost five straight games since their win to open the season against Atlanta. Golden State beat New York 47-16 in the fourth quarter.

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