Good news! Selena Gomez has already abandoned the psychiatric clinic


At the beginning of last October Selena Gomez entered a psychiatric clinic after a nervous breakdown caused by a series of health problems that led her to the hospital twice in a year. space barely a week.

Since then, she had moved away from public life while following a treatment based on a dialectical behavioral therapy that had proved very useful in the past, but according to the latest reports on her evolution, the singer would have left the medical center to reincorporate little by little to its usual routine.

"Selena was fired from the program she was following in New York and is very well healed, she feels renewed and there is no doubt that she is mentally very much better, but will continue to consult frequently medical staff, because mental health is an ongoing process, "said an informant from portal E! News

The project of the star – who has undergone a kidney transplant in the summer of 2017 – is to keep a low profile in the coming weeks, as she had announced shortly before her last admission, hinting that the harbadment in the network that had ended up returning once again.

"I'm going to take a break from the social networks, as grateful as I am for the speaker that these platforms provide to each of us.We also believe that I have to take a step back and live every moment that I I need encouragement and compbadion for a moment, and remember, negative comments can hurt anyone's feelings, of course, "he said at the time .

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