Guardado's frustration in Mexico: "We are tired of playing good games and having nothing"


Mexico lost 2-0 to Brazil and took a vacation from Russia 2018 in the round of 16. After the elimination, one of the referents of the Mexican team, Andres Guardado, expressed his dissatisfaction to be out of the global event again. at this stage of the tournament.

"The sad thing for us is that the Mexicans we usually make good matches, but in the end the result is always the same" said the mixed zone of midfielder Samara Arena

Guardado has tired of the Mexican team playing well and this is not reflected in the results. We are tired of doing good games and finally having nothing. I do not know how much we can change that, I do not know what we will have to change for Mexican football to come with this step, not only the competition, but also the victory . "" Well, the reality is that we could not, that we are empty handed and now we have to badyze with a cool head what is happening: the future of the selection , and the future of many of us … and always thinking in favor of the Mexican national team "completed the Real Betis midfielder of Spain [19659006] Despite the elimination, Guardado recognized the Brazilian hierarchy and postulated him as the main favorite to win the World Cup: " Unfortunately we remain where he is." But we must also understand that we had in front of us a great rival, who I think is the best candidate to win this World Cup. "

" We believed until the end, I think we have it planted face the entire game up to the second goal and it's hard to do a cold badysis because one spend a lot of things on the head "he adds.

Finally, the lefty criticizes arbitration: " What I think is that all the suspicious pieces, the referee has marked them in their favor.I do not know if all the figures of the World Cup leave and they did not want another figure to appear, perhaps . "" But hey, I've already said, those who must put up with Neymar we are not the players He continues to do the same and no one does anything ", he reflected on the controversy with Neymar

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