Guns NÂ ° Roses searches the memory box


The group in its moment of glory in the early 90s

The reissue of his first album with new material surprised the fans; Luxury formats mark the trend

In the mid-eighties, rock was stuck in a blind spot. On the one hand, the founding fathers, lost between the technological advantages of the time and the need to be in tune with fashion trends. On the other,
hair metal a phenomenon that put in strong rotation a handful of bands alternating deformed cimbronazos with sweet ballads, shaved hairs, makeup and fluorescent neoprene. Everything seemed to lead to a bottleneck, until five Los Angeles brawlers hit the scene without asking permission and putting things in order.

On July 21, 1987, Guns N 'Roses kicked the board of a genre asleep with
Appetite for Destruction his first album. In just two years, the group led by Axl Rose and Slash has gone from a promise of the ever-growing Hollywood scene to a programmed machine with the mission of reminding the world what rock should look like: dirty, raw, messy. in the studio and live, the band was responsible for making the highest football that says you play as you live: his first album condensed twelve songs urgent and intense, cooked in the heat of the Holy Trinity of bad, drugs and of rock and roll

The impact of their first album was so strong that the band released five singles to broadcast it ("It's So Easy", "Welcome to the Jungle", "Sweet" Child "or" Mine "," Paradise City "and" Nightrain ") between 1987 and 1989. Or, to put it another way: two years after its appearance, the album continued to be sold as hot cakes in all possible latitudes. As part of the (late) celebration of the thirty years of its publication, Guns N 'Roses has re-released the album in various formats. Two of them, an edition that respects the original order of the album with a remastered sound and a doubled with a reju of the songs included in the singles, alternative versions, essays and shots in direct, have been available for a few weeks for the local public. ] Of course, things get more interesting as the price goes up … in foreign currency. For $ 180, fans can access the edition
s More of Deluxe
Appetite …, a box with four discs that includes the original album, three CDS B side and recording sessions in Sound City studios with 49 songs and unpublished snapshots, a Blu Ray with mixes in 5.1 and videos of the time, and the unpublished clip of "It's So Easy".

In a format that simulates a leather briefcase, the added value is in a 96-page hardcover book with pictures of the Axl Rose staff archive, reproductions of tickets for concerts, lithographs, a poster, temporary tattoos and a reproduction of the invitation to shoot the clip "Welcome to the Jungle", designed by Slash.

And as always you can press a little more to the public, there is also an edition titled Locked & Loaded, as tempting as it is forbidden, for the modest sum of $ 999. In a limited edition of ten thousand units, it contains the same material as the format
super Deluxe only in a metal safe with seven vinyls and seven singles seven inches, twelve new lithographs, five handmade metal rings with replica skulls of the art of disc cover, replica banknotes, claws, a plush for a vinyl tray, posters and a certificate of authenticity.

In all its formats, the added value of these reissues is in the additional material. Except for the most extreme wing of its followers, the vast majority of the 51 unpublished songs of the disc were a novelty for the thickness of the audience
shooter . Beyond that, some have been circulating in front of B's ​​later singles (and others have gone from hand to hand in pirated recordings of dubious sound quality), the group's sessions in Sound City studios offer a catch of 39; screen the first sketches of the album with songs that have never seen light in later albums, such as "Shadow Of Your Love", "The Plague" and "New York Tune".

Those who are behind a complete reading, will remain with the desire to have filled the album. A readjustment of ethical values ​​left out of the reissue of "One in a Million", a song published shortly after the disc's appearance, at the EP
Lies . The reason for the absence? A letter full of pejorative, racist and homophobic terms for which Rose himself was to give explanations at the time, though it's hard to think of a reasonable defense of a verse like "The immigrants and homobaduals do not make sense to me / They come to our country they think that they can do what they want / How to start a mini Iran or spread a damn disease / And they speak in so many different ways that everything seems to me Greek. "

What appears in two versions of the luxury are two demos of" November Rain ", one in acoustic format and the other just piano and voice . Both realize that even years before the group included him among the rams.
Use Your Illusion I in 1991, Axl Rose already had in his mind the kind of epic ballad with which he could express his ambition and mark the distance with the rest of his range companions. To paraphrase one of your own songs, all you need is a little patience … and also a little budget.

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