Halloween Story: What does it mean and why is October 31st celebrated on Halloween? | Haloween 2018 | viral


Halloween one of the most famous festivals in the world, is celebrated mainly in in Europe and in in the United States although each country has gradually created its own tradition

In this article we will review a little history of the beginning of Halloween how we ended up calling it that and why it's one of the terrorist events the most expected of the year. . In addition, we will discover why people disguise themselves and, of course, the best advice for this event Halloween 2018 .


The Origin of Halloween There are many versions, but most of them evoke the celebration of a union between the world of alive and that of the dead. Here are the three most famous origins: Celtic Origin Roman Tradition and the Church of the Church :

It is said that the 39 origin of Halloween ] originated in some Celtic towns of Europe as Samhain Traditional pagan celebration meaning "end of summer ". Apparently, the ancient inhabitants of these communities made this commemoration which was considered the beginning of the Celtic New Year. The belief indicated that during this period, the line of this world with "the afterlife" had become very tenuous, allowing any spirit to cross this threshold.

Later, the Roman occupation in in Europe had caused this feast to be transformed by combining it with a "harvest festival", a celebration that pays homage to Pomona ] the goddess of fruit trees. Christian culture accused Celtic of being heretical, thus destroying much of its historical heritage.

It is in this context that the Catholic Church began to demonize Celtic beliefs and replace the celebration in turn. of Samhain with the "Day of All Saints" . This was due to the need of the religious institution to honor all her martyrs, but they became so numerous that she decided for a day to pay homage to all.


The Celts celebrated the Samhain between the middle of the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice, towards the end of October and at the end of October. beginning of November. This coincided with the Roman celebration of Pomona and it is for this very reason that the Church Catholic moved the "All Saints Day" from May 13 to November 1 to facilitate the process of Christianization of the Celtic population.

The eve of this Catholic holiday, an evening vigil was also set up on October 31 to give more strength to the celebration of November 1 . That was called "All Hallow's Eve" which has changed over time until it is abbreviated to " Halloween ".

Halloween is celebrated in United States and Canada in almost the same way: the children disguise themselves as monsters that night and go out to the street to ask candy. The reason it is celebrated like this Halloween is due to the image that American cinema gave to this event, gradually establishing a custom in the culture of several states.

In addition, the idea was born. to create lamps with a pumpkin as a base, which was originally used as a type of protection against the ghost of Jack O 'Lantern . It was also related to the myth that the ghost went from house to house asking for "a treat or a treat". Over time, the lamps became the Jack O 'Lanterns while children adopted this issue to request door-to-door treats at Halloween.


One of the main questions people ask about Halloween is why they use disguises, mostly frightening, on on October 31 . This goes back to the tradition Samhain according to which the living and the spirits of the dead were bound for a brief period.

Some of these spirits were benevolent, but the door remained open for evil entities. As a result, people used disguises to pretend to be evil spirits and scare those who wanted to enter the world of the living. This custom has been maintained over the years and different transformations of the holiday.

Do you want to know which costume to wear for Halloween? Today, no matter what costume can be used to celebrate this day. Among the most popular are the incarnations of characters from television shows, movies, comics, etc. It will depend on you if you wear a full suit or if you wear makeup satisfactorily.


The truth is that there is no better or worse suit than Halloween but it depends on you what result you want to get this Halloween 2018 and certainly the "best" costumes are the ones that work they need to prepare. If you want to retain the original custom of customizing yourself as an evil or terrorist character, the least recommended is to use simple props and justify a suit with only one spare garment.


Some people prefer to use masks with a set of clothes to scare those who cross each other, others choose to create a terrifying figure through makeup. It takes a lot of patience and work to get a good result with this last method, but there are many tutorials of YouTube that facilitate the learning process with simple tutorials that you can perform from your own hands.


In addition to collecting sweets or attending disguised parties, it is sometimes customary to play tricks and frights on the innocent at on October 31 to the point of creating an atmosphere of terror on the street so that people feel the worst fear of their lives.

Some time ago, on YouTube they started uploading videos of people who made this kind of jokes, being the most viral and the most replicated. Everyone's kidding about murderous clowns. These consisted of disguising themselves as clowns and creating an uncomfortable situation, even dangerous for anyone pbading:

However, practical jokes are not limited to deceiving or frightening pbaders-by in the streets. There are jokes that you can do in an artisbad way with easy access items.

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