Hamilton extends his advantage in the F1 championship: won in Hungary – Motoring – Sports


Englishman Lewis Hamilton strengthens his leadership in the Formula 1 World Championship on Sunday by winning, for the fifth time, the Hungarian Grand Prix, where he signs his fifth win of the year and 24 points on the German Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari), like him quadruple world champion.

Hamilton, who flew in the rain Saturday, raising his own record of "poles" in F1 to 77, did not miss the opportunity to extend his advantage in the race. championship and, for the moment, will go on vacation being much closer than Vettel to imitate this year the five titles that got the Argentine Juan Manuel Fangio, second only to the German Michael Schumacher, still recovering from skiing accident suffered late 2013 in Meribel, in the French Alps.

The spectacular and eccentric English champion relegated the second and third place to the two Ferrari drivers, Vettel (who now exceeds 24 points) and Finland's Kimi Raikkonen; this minimized the damage by pbading to Valtteri Bottas, – compatriot of the previous and companion Hamilton – who would finish fifth, with problems of degradation of his rear tires, five laps from the end of the race.

In which the Spanish Fernando Alonso (McLaren) celebrated his thirty-seventh birthday with the eighth place, just ahead of his countryman Carlos Sainz (Renault). The double world champion Asturias (2005 and 2006), who started eleventh, has risen three places and added four points on the track where he achieved, in 2003, the first of his 32 wins in the queen clbad.

The 32 that adds Spain in all its history. Hamilton was well behaved and Bottas exerted a sensational squire protecting his captain, closing the doors to the two Ferrari drivers who had left the second row. And Sainz, who started fifth, after a good qualification in the rain on Saturday, attacked Vettel's exit (which soon gave him the third place), the only one, like him, who came out with soft tires between the top ten on the grid, which preferred above all the ultrablando compound.

But the Spaniard could not only with the German, but was overtaken by Frenchman Pierre Gasly (Toro Rosso) and Denmark's Kevin Magnussen (Haas) -six and seventh that Sunday – and his former Dutch team-mate Max Verstappen; it's gone to the sixth round, when the Red Bull sound engine has failed. Alonso scored the points with Max's retirement, but shortly thereafter was overtaken by Frenchman Romain Grosjean – eleventh, in the fifth consecutive race in which the two Haas drivers score – and by the Australian Daniel Ricciardo (Red Bull), who despite his twelfth and last place after a bad start in the sixteenth, made a good performance to finish fourth.

Bottas and Raikkonen stopped on lap 16 and seven later Vettel ran second, seven seconds behind Hamilton, who was riding with a softer (and faster degradable) compound than Seb's. The Englishman stopped on the 27th – a lap later than Sainz -, sank and took the lead, but soon got back on track, shortly afterwards Gasly – logically – did not resist Ricciardo, already fifth.

Alonso, who had gone soft and had not yet stopped, was seventh, behind Gasly, in the Equator of the race, after lap 35, in which Vettel led with 12 seconds over Hamilton , with 24 and 25 on Bottas and Kimi; and half a minute on Ricciardo. It was hot, as usual at that time, in Hungary (it was rolling at 34 degrees, with 52 on the asphalt). But although the weather forecast announced the possibility of storms, it was not raining; so on the track outside Budapest everything was reduced to tire management.

And while Vettel used it, Lewis began to waste time. Seb stopped at 40, a lap after Kimi made it for the second time, with which Mercedes recovered the top two positions with Hamilton and Bottas; and Ricciardo – who had not yet stopped – was fourth, ahead of Raikkonen.

Alonso stopped in the 40 and went from soft to middle (the hardest of the three compounds), with which he managed to secure the eighth position in which he was turning, at that time two in front Sainz, who made it for behind the Belgian Stoffel Vandoorne, partner of the Asturian genius. Ricciardo took 45 laps to stop. Substituted soft by ultra-flat and, although initially it had to be given to Kimi, he could certify fourth place after Bottas' final decline. Vandoorne, who was doing a good race behind his team-mate Alonso, left in the 50s, apparently with a problem in the gearbox, giving ninth place to Sainz.

next year, but in Hungary improved, both in qualifying, as in career, his German teammate Nico Hulkenberg, twelfth and no point this Sunday. Bottas suffered with his rear wheels, very worn, and Vettel was placed just behind him with thirteen turns, but Valtteri endured everything he could to defend his rank head; and at seven in the end, Hamilton's advantage was already 22 seconds.

Until the early 65's, the Finnish Mercedes "burst" and was overtaken by the Ferrari duo. At three for the goal, Ricciardo tried to pbad to Bottas but they touched in the first curve; and, acknowledging his guilt, the Finnish team urged him to make the place at "aussie". He was aiming higher when he arrived in Hungary, but he was happy with fourth place and scored the best lap (1: 20.012), out of 46.

Hamilton easily won a weekend that seemed to be clearly for Ferrari, until he poured out Saturday, a day when he danced with mastery on the water. And now you can relax until the last weekend of August. When his fight with Vettel reopens to match the mythical Fangio.


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