Hard letter from Tito Fouillioux's cousin against Channel 13: "He denied any compensation payment" | TV and show


On Saturday, June 23 and at the age of 77, he died Alberto Fouillioux Ahumada ex-historical symbolist of the Catholic University and outstanding sports commentator.

The national figure died at the Santa María clinic, due to a cardiorespiratory arrest, leaving a huge legacy for the country. The news of his departure was deplored throughout Chile and his funeral brought together a large number of people who wanted to make him a last farewell.

Four days after his departure, a cousin of the communicator decided to dedicate a strong letter to Channel 13, where Fouillioux was one of the main faces of his sports area and from which he was disengaged in 2000, without receiving compensation.

"We have removed from this world the one who was an icon of sport, communications and a better person, Mr. Alberto Fouillioux Ahumada, who started in the midst of the recognition of citizens, the means and the institutions in which he served, which could be said to be right and deserved, though too late, "wrote the lawyer Luciano Fouillioux to El Mercurio

" In the same line and in this same section, he wrote on behalf of the Board of Channel 13, Mr. Jorge Salvatierra Pacheco, who made an emotional representation of the idol and commentator, also remembering his pbadage through Channel 13, which he has called "essentially his television house" . He also alluded to what happened during the farewell, during which his children, especially the youngest ones, gave him the last respect and public honor, "he said. he added.

  Channel 13
Channel 13

his letter Mr. Salvatierra that Alberto Fouillioux was one of his heroes, who was also unjustly relegated by the middle and that his last years were not what they should have been " also citing ideas and words from one of his children at the time of the farewell, which certainly could not not to omit it, for the least duty of loyalty towards his family, especially with his father, "he added, referring to Fouillioux's controversial tax evasion claim in early 2000, after which he left Channel 13.

"I was not only a close relative of Alberto, but for many years his defense attorney when was persecuted without mercy and with no respect for the journey. and the right to rectification to which everyone legitimately aspires when they made a mistake as was the case, especially in the case of the good, which had never faded before, "he said. he said: "Alberto Fouillioux, he was supported by people of goodwill, by his family and some valuable friends, but not by his sources of work, who have gradually deprived him of his rights, beginning with Channel 13, represented today by Mr. Salvatierra ] entity who fired him and denied him any compensation for not knowing him as a worker, on the grounds that he was only a "paid" professional and therefore without right to expulsion and forfeiture and that he did not respect the rest of the country's employees, "denounced

"So, it is paradoxical that today it is recognized by Channel 13 with dedication and claims recognition for being this "essentially his TV house". That does not stop to surprise, but it is a step forward against the cruelty of yesterday and the treatment given by its former employer by the way, d & # 39; another proprietor structure that today, but also of the continuity of rotation "

  Tito Fouillioux
Tito Fouillioux

" The son who made mention in the farewell to the hard and sad stage of his father, a situation that did not go unnoticed by Mr. Salvatierra, as he says in his public letter, was then a child, who suffered like the rest of the children and relatives, with the ruthless treatment that was offered to the father / idol, who ultimately without recovery, damaged his health in advance, "he says.

" It is enough for the current Channel 13 authorities to review their internal track record and their legal defenses against Alberto Fouillioux Ahumada to verify the veracity of what is said here. Thus, the ceatolei, of the letter of Mr. Salvatierra, in representation of Channel 13, can not resonate in the same way as wanted to handle, he said. "Sorry, l & rsquo; History can not be changed " over

Since Channel 13, they have not referred to these statements.

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