Have you missed your hand? WOM now kidding with a ball crash man who almost kills a clown


The public enjoyed the spectacle of the American circus last Thursday at the Arauco Maipú shopping mall on the outskirts of Santiago. Until one of the most anticipated moments came: the shooting of the "bullet man"

The acrobat went off as planned, but n? never hit the net, as he had to do . Instead, he continued and found himself on top of a clown.


The "bullet shooter" was shot with force

The audience did not know if it was part of the show or not, but it quickly became clear that it was not in the plans. The "bullet man" suffered fractures to one knee and jaw but he is out of danger. His partner was not hurt.

  Instead of finishing in the network, he continued long

Instead of finishing in the net, he continued

The operator of the weapon who shot him acknowledged his responsibility in the accident. "I did not disconnect the air supply hose, the compressor m had the air return from its accumulator and it increased the pressure, this who made more distance than the programmed, "said to


This Friday WOM returned to do his thing through the networks social, sharing a meme that generated all sorts of comments.

The picture is seen by an acrobat with the phrase "Hoy paso de largo", in clear allusion to the "bullet-man" who suffered an accident when he died. 39, a show in Santiago.

Recall that the artist suffered a dramatic fall after jumping beyond the safety mesh in a function of the American Circus located in the Mall Arauco Maipú.

According to what was reported in Chilevisión by the circus corporal Luis Álvarez, the man-identified as Jaime Almarza-s turned out with various fractures, being derived from the urgency to the former Central Posta, although life threatening.

Because of the accident, Seremi Health has banned the operation of the canyon in the circus.

The publication of the mobile company was viralized among its followers, adding all kinds of comments.

"They have just opened a branch in hell", "It's a lack of respect" and "Experts in black humor", are some of the comments that users have left.

/ gap

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