HE SAID ALL !! Gonzalo Espinoza revealed why he did not return to the UY


And he sent a message to Reinaldo Rueda

Gonzalo Espinoza played hard to replace Lorenzo Reyes at the University of Chile and the same midfielder said he wanted to come back, but nothing all this did not materialize and from Turkey he revealed

" The sacrifices are made by both parties.I can do it, but still the U too.I know that they can do it and I can too, but the next thing is to negotiate with the Turks "he started with La Tercera

" I would like to go back in. I'm a fan, I've a good relationship with the leaders, the props … I do not have any problems with them because I did not stay in. No On the contrary, the relationship was better.We talked about this time .. J & # 39; hope he'll be able to come back "he added

He closed by sending a message to Reinaldo Rueda. " Clearly I want to be in the Copa America of Brazil I am excited I will work hard to be there to see if it will be given to me If I can not, I will continue working to be in the next ", concluded Espinoza.

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