He wants to stay alive: Temuco receives Audax Italiano in the hope of leaving the danger zone | Soccer


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Leonardo Rubilar / Agencia Uno

A new opportunity – maybe the last one – to stay alive during the first 'A & # 39; will Sports Temuco during this afternoon, when from 15:00 hours receives at the stage Germán Becker a Audax Italiano .

The team "albiverde" occupies the last place of the ranking with only 22 units so the meeting valid for the twenty-eighth date of Scotiabank Championship 2018 will be a great importance if they want to keep the illusion of permanence in the category of honor.

Italics However, let us come to this instance with the hope of continuing to climb the positions in the local competition, because so far they are in the tenth place with 31 points .

We confirm that the party to be elected elected by Judge Felipe González presents a dual precedent this year, which ended in equality thanks to the to Matías Donoso and his own goal, Matías Riquero.

What's going on for both at the end of the tournament? After the match today, the "Albiverdes". must measure the forces against Union La Calera and the Universidad Católica while those of The Cisterna against Curicó Kingdom and O & # 39 Higgins of Rancagua .

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