Héctor Noguera on the Pinochetistas of Paty Maldonado: There is a responsibility of the chain | The society


Patricia Maldonado has been the target of several debates and debates over the last few weeks, mainly for openly declaring pinochetista and for having targeted various personalities of television without hair for language.

from them, they evoked the situation and the last to join is the actor Héctor Noguera who, in conversations with Cadena Nacional of Vía X, has reproached Mega for having maldonado chain after his statements to the support of the deputy, Ignacio Urrutia who called the victims of the dictatorship "terrorists".

At this time, the singer congratulated the parliamentarian through social networks, where he wrote that "the brave die standing and the cowards die on their knees and cry" .

The actor evoked the situation experienced by as in a few months ago. , when a group or performers of the drama section of the channel did not wish to attend the television series that would take place in the morning if Maldonado was in the studio, stressing that "we too also wanted to be in solidarity with Alejandro who c & rsquo; Was a reaction, a spontaneous reaction ", compared to Goic's departure from the plateau.

"This reaction is due to the fact that he was tortured and that he has friends and loved ones, as I also have them and has many people who have suffered disappearances, Torture and Unjust Imprisonment. Then, without a doubt, a person who openly agrees with it, provokes a reaction like that of Alejandro "he added. .

With this in mind, Noguera said: "I do not like to refuse work to anyone, but I think the chain has a responsibility tell people not to censor, but there are issues that go beyond politics and opinion, such as human rights, and that say, "Look, you can not make a defense of something that caused so much pain. So, I think that there is a responsibility of the chain. "

Do not forget that not long ago, Maldonado criticized the position of the actors and artists who are against him, compared to what Noguera said "Patricia Maldonado I would like to clarify. I have no problem in dialoguing and being with right-wingers . I know a lot of people right. They are friends of mine and friends of mine. I know their way of thinking and how they behave. But none of them defends dictatorship or human rights violations. "

" What sets me apart from her is not because she 's right, it' s no problem for me. The problem is that it has manifested itself vis-à-vis the dictatorship and human rights in a tone that I do not think is the good "he said. 19659002] Faced with the tone that Maldonado occupies when he speaks, the actor said "it seems to me in the first place burlesque, which seems very bad to me. Humor is always welcome but all things also have a limit and it's a time when humor does not fit because it's a tragedy and you can not mix humor and tragedy . "[19659014] [ad_2]
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