Héctor Tapia celebrates the return of Lucas Barrios to Colo Colo


The coach of Colo Colo Hector Tapia is voiced Thursday at a press conference of the Monumental stadium on the arrival of the l & # 39; Paraguayan striker Lucas Barrios club, after the day yesterday confirmed his return to dress for the second time the shirt of the albos.

" is an important player, with a past here, who knows the club very well and showed all his potential later on the other teams, so that's a boost for us. are happy with his arrival "he said at the beginning.

On the plan he will use to occupy Paraguayan with his scorer Esteban Paredes he said that " we will see what is the best way, we have time to work for our system either an attractive attack game.They can play in different systems . "

Welcome to your home, Lucas!

The great Lucas Barrios, twice champion with the Cacique, returns to the Monumental. A luxury An idol returns to face the second semester with Copa Libertadores included. #VamosCacique !! pic.twitter.com/LBnqEazA9O

– Colo-Colo (@ColoColo) June 27, 2018

" Ideally it would be 3, but the important thing is that people arrive it reinforces us, it is not an easy task, because there is not a large margin of choice, there are many problems that limit you "he explains.

" The club people try to satisfy this requirement. Strictly, I am happy with the staff I have and if one or two more arrive, be fine . "

Concerning the critics of Captain Paredes asking for more reinforcements he expressed that" for that we are working, trying to bring those that are necessary. There is a very advanced time and negotiations, but I'm not going to be crazy tomorrow either, because in this haste those you want will not come . "

Héctor Tapia:" We try to bring the players are needed and there are negotiations that are quite advanced, we are growing day by day and we must learn from our mistakes and strengthen our success. "

– Colo-Colo (@ColoColo) June 28, 2018

Finally, questioned to find out if he would bring someone else to the defense, he points out that " we intend to reinforce one player per line, there are 3 chances that they arrive, we have one on the attacking side and we will try to do the others on the other lines, although I do not do not limit me . "

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