Herbie Hancock will return to Chile in November


A luxury tour has just been confirmed for local scenes, we are talking about the legendary Herbie Hanbad returning to our country to appear next November 12 in ] Caupolican Theater . The musician, is one of the favorites of the local public, thanks to his status as a legend of old jazz, new and future, maintaining an impeccable validity at 77 years old. All this, under a new date of the cycle Santiago Fusión .

In the rendezvous, promises a tour highlights of his repertoire, as was his last visit to Chile in 2013, where he filled the same place for his presentation. Recall too, that the multi-instrumentalist has announced a new album with collaborations of Kendrick Lamar Snoop Dogg Thundercat Flying Lotus among others, so there will surely be an opportunity to Listen to this material during the show.

Tickets are available through the Ticketek Hites and authorized outlets system, with the following values: [19659004] First rows: $ 54,000

  • Box: $ 50,000
  • Platinum: $ 48,000
  • Golden: $ 44,000
  • Silver: $ 40,000
  • Platea: $ 34,000
  • Gallery: $ 28,000
  • General Gallery: $ 24,000
  • * All locations, except the General Gallery, will be numbered.

    • free (on a limited stock of 20% of the theater's total capacity) Arts Community
    • 15% off on stgofusion.cl, until August 1st or while supplies last

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