Herrera joins Pinilla as last-minute victims to face Colchagua | Sports


At the confirmed injury to one of his thighs Mauricio Pinilla a last-minute defeat was added to Universidad de Chile for the 16-round match of Copa Chile against Colchagua this Saturday at 16:30 pm, at the stadium El Teniente de Rancagua

C is the goalkeeper Johnny Herrera who likes that the attacker suffered a "puncture" during the morning workout, before the trip to the region of O. Higgins

The goalkeeper and Pinilla added to the suspension of Yeferson Soteldo (two dates), to the tear of Francisco Arancibia (three weeks) and in the absence of Nicolás Guerra (is with sub 20).

Thus, coach Frank Kudelka will challenge Los Herraduros with: Fernando De Paul ; Matías Rodriguez Gonzalo Jara Rafael Vaz and John Beauséjour ; Angelo Araos Felipe Seymour and Gustavo Lorenzetti .

Surprises come forward, where the blues will have Yerko Leiva Isaac Díaz and Leandro Benegas .

In the game of idea, disputed in the National Stadium, University of Chile beat Colchagua 2-1 . 19659008] [ad_2]
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